I have a passion for what data can tell us. I like figuring out how complex systems work. We all have to make decisions and stake perspectives, but starting with the best possible understanding of what the pertinent data tells us can be overlooked in favor of habit or expediency in our complex world and busy lives.
I received a degree in Finance from Muhlenberg College in 2008, having been drawn to both the applied mathematics and human-behavioral components of the discipline. Like many of my peers, graduating from a liberal arts college in 2008 with the Credit Crisis dominos poised to start falling left my career prospects woefully misaligned with my interests, and I found myself having fallen backwards into the insurance industry. In 2020, I elected to leave my insurance career and take some time to consider a new direction. I found myself drawn back repeatedly to Data Science. I love the nature of the work: discovering the quantitative truths behind the veil of massive amounts of data and human assumptions about the nature of it.
In 2021, I completed Cornell’s Python Fundamentals certificate and have spent the months following working to build my portfolio, including an explanation of Sectoral Balances in the US economy, and weather predictions using dClimte data.
I am pursuing a career in Data Science and plan to seek a graduate degree in Data Science.
In my free time I enjoy sailing, challenging video games, and over-landing. My wife Jen, myself, and our Chesapeake Bay Retriever Cooper live in Monmouth County, NJ and attempt to take in all it has to offer from the robust beach-town scenes to the local arts culture and amazing food.